Transform your space and your heart with the perfect piece of art. Fall in love with your favorite below.

"I paint in the hopes of creating a moment of pause. My goal is for you to feel something and then walk away more hopeful, calm and optimistic about what’s next.”

~ Donna


“Combing through hundreds of exhibitions at an interior design convention, I was fortunate enough to stumble across Donna’s art booth. While there was no shortage of beautiful and sublime layouts and futuristic products, it was her work that stood out in what is likely hundreds of thousands of square feet. Never having purchased fine art before, I settled for taking a picture, thinking it would make a fine reminder of what I would look for in the future if I were to make an artistic purchase. That line of thought was short-lived as I literally could not stop thinking of her artwork. Soon after, I bought the piece I loved and it continues to be the centrepiece of my home office. Despite one of her tag lines, ‘artwork that makes your other walls jealous,’ I still think that my walls are not worthy of the single work I’ve purchased.” C.Chen

Choose your favorite pieces and let me bring them to your home or office!