Title: The Light After A Storm

Size: 36 x 36 inches

Acrylic on Canvas

Price: $2400 (plus tax)


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"The Light After a Storm" is an intriguing  textural abstract piece that masterfully captures the essence of hope emerging from adversity. The artist employs a rich palette of stormy blues, conveying the tumultuous emotions experienced during challenging times. The texture of the piece creates a dynamic, almost kinetic sensation, as if the storm is still in motion. Layers of brushstrokes and mixed media contribute to a tactile depth that draws the viewer into the emotional turbulence. Amidst the darkness, subtle hints of luminous hues signify the promise of better days ahead. The artwork serves as a visual metaphor, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, the light on the canvas parallels the resilience within ourselves, symbolizing the eventual emergence of hope and clarity after life's storms.

  • Only one that exists in the world

  • Can be shipped to any door you want as long as you’re willing to pay for it

  • It will make your other walls jealous