Title: STEPHANIE - Patience Is Not The Ability To Wait, Rather The Ability To Keep A Good Attitude While Waiting

Size: 36 x 48 inches

Acrylic in Canvas


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A Note From the Artist

Patience is not the ability to wait, rather the ability to keep a good attitude when waiting.

I think everyone can agree, our patience has been tested. No one ever thought this random virus would take over our lives and keep us at a stand still for nearly 2 years. At first it was fun. Stuck at home, binge watching Netflix and walking around the neighbourhood were great ways to spend the day. But then the mundane and the repetitive nature of each day started to wear on our souls. We were being tested. Tested to see how kind we could stay. Tested to see how much love we could give the guy who was yelling at the grocery store attendant for not having any toilet paper. Tested to stand strong and abide by the government suggestions and not see our loved ones for yet another week.

I think this test in patience has been good for us. I think it has made us all slow down and realize that we can accomplish so much more, with less stress, if we just take our time. Finding the space for patience allows for a simpler existence. It encourages business partners to share their crazy new ideas without fear of judgement. Practising patience allows for a more enjoyable experience with extra laughs as you wait for your parent to tell the same story for the millionth time. Patience gives us time to see the beauty in every moment even when your coffee order has been incorrect two times.

We are all kinder, more supportive and productive when we clear space for patience. 

Each of us has this stillness and patience within us. I want this artwork to be a reminder that this last year and a half was not a waste, but a beautiful reminder that when we are patient, more opportunities arise, more enjoyable experiences happen and the ripple affect of your actions can be intoxicating.  

  • There’s nothing like it in the whole world

  • It’ll make your other walls jealous

  • It can be shipped to you anywhere in the world (as long as you’re willing to pay for it)